Friday, April 29, 2011

Oh friday

It should be more like OH FRIDAY! Ever since we moved down to Orange County with my family, Adam has more often than not been working 50-60 hour work weeks. WOW. That is all I have to say. Actually one more thing, being a mom is the single HARDEST and single MOST REWARDING job I have ever had. The Love and pure joy that comes from serving my children cannot be beat. I am so in love with them both. From the constant smiles to the constant running around, they keep me SO busy, it is hard to find time for myself, or me and Adam. We have been able to go a date night once a week for a little while now, and it is a lifesaver.

Dear Date night,
       Thank you so much for the peace that you come with :) 

I love the quiet as much as I love the insanity. They are growing way too fast. The boys have not yet met there great grandparents from my mom's side. They live in Arkansas, which, needless to say, is a good distance. I wish that we could be NEAR all family. It is sad really because Ethan is such great friends with some of his cousins that are in Bakersfield. He has such a great time whenever they are together. So the decision to move here permanently was a difficult one but we agreed it is what is best for our family.  

Now that it is permanent we need to get settled and get some things in order. We REALLY want to start a weekly soccer thing! We have been trying but have not had too much luck. I finally got a nap! When Adam got home at 2:30 took Ethan out and let me nap while T napped. mmm. So peaceful and very rejuvenating. 

So sunday night at midnight is the big night for Heather Sargeant Photography! I am almost done with the website, just a few finishing touches on the site and on the giveaway! But shhh. It is a secret! I cannot wait I am soo excited.

Please help HSP out by liking my facebook page and following my blog at! Thanks!

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